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  2.                                    CHURCH
  4.                                     ***
  5.                           YOU DON'T HAVE A PRAYER
  6.                          In case of nuclear attack
  7.                       the supreme court ban on prayer
  8.                         will be temporarily lifted.
  9.                                     ***
  10.                                 STRESSED OUT
  11.                                I met a pastor
  12.                            who slept like a baby.
  13.                     (Woke up every two hours and cried).
  14.                                     ***
  15.                             ADVICE TO PREACHERS
  16.                 If you don't strike oil in twenty minutes
  17.                                Stop boring.
  18.                                     ***
  19.                                   BREVITY
  20.                                 He was able
  21.                        to compress a ten minute sermon
  22.                             into thirty minutes.
  23.                                     ***
  25.                            To have eternal value.
  26.                                     ***
  27.                               BUTTON, BUTTON
  28.                            WHO'S GOT THE BUTTON?
  29.                              A preacher friend 
  30.                          used to time his sermons
  31.                          by placing a breath mint
  32.                                in his mouth
  33.                         before he started speaking.
  34.                               The mint melted
  35.                           in about twenty minutes
  36.                         and he would quit speaking.
  37.                                 One Sunday
  38.                       he reached into his coat pocket
  39.                      and popped a button in his mouth.
  40.                              The last I heard
  41.                           he was still preaching.
  42.                                     ***
  43.                                   ALMOST
  44.                        This was Johnny's first camp
  45.                         and the counselor demanded,
  46.                      "Johnny, you have to take a bath!"
  47.                      "But Mr. Jones," Johnny defended,
  48.                               "I had a bath 
  49.                         almost every day last week.
  50.                         I almost had a bath Monday.
  51.                         I almost had a bath Tuesday.
  52.                         I almost had a bath Wednesday."
  53.                                     etc.
  54.                                     ***
  55.                                ADAM AND EVE
  56.                       It wasn't the apple in the tree
  57.                         that got them into trouble.
  58.                       It was the pair under the tree.
  59.                                     ***
  60.                                    SMALL
  61.                      When we lived in seminary housing,
  62.                       our apartment was so small that,
  63.                                      1
  64.                           We had to teach our dog
  65.                         to wag his tail up and down.
  66.                                      2
  67.                             We had to go outside
  68.                              to change our mind.
  69.                                     ***
  70.                            MARTIN WHAT'S-HIS-NAME
  71.                     A collector  of rare  books ran  into an
  72.                acquaintance  who had just thrown away an old 
  73.                worn-out family Bible. He happened to mention  
  74.                that Guten something-or-other had printed it.
  75.                     "Not   Gutenberg?"  gasped    the   book
  76.                collector.
  77.                     "Yep, that was the name!"
  78.                     "You idiot!   You've thrown  away one of
  79.                the  first  books  ever   printed.    A  copy
  80.                recently sold at an auction for $400,000!"
  81.                     "Mine wouldn't have been worth a  dime,"
  82.                retorted the man.   "Some clown named  Martin
  83.                Luther had scribbled all over it."
  84.                                     ***
  85.                                 MOTHER'S SON
  86.                             A lady was praying
  87.                     at the altar in a Catholic Church
  88.                            when Jesus walked up 
  89.                      and tapped her on the shoulder.
  90.                                 She replied,
  91.                           "Where's a you manners?
  92.                          Can't you see I'ma talking
  93.                               witha you mama?"
  94.                                     ***
  95.                                 THE LOTTERY
  96.                     A  minister  was  asked  to  inform  Joe
  97.                Jones, who had a heart condition, that he had
  98.                just won sixty  million dollars in the  state
  99.                lottery.    Joe's  wife was  afraid  that the
  100.                shock would cause another heart attack and he
  101.                would die. 
  102.                     The  minister  went  to  Joe's home  and
  103.                said, "Joe, what would you  do if you won the
  104.                sixty million dollar lottery?"
  105.                     "Well, Pastor," Joe  responded, "I would
  106.                probably give half of it to the church."
  107.                     The  minister  fell  over with  a  heart
  108.                attack.
  109.                                     ***
  110.                             PREACHERS AND BAKERS
  111.                          Preachers are like bakers.
  112.                               Both knead dough.
  113.                                     ***
  114.                           TIME FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL!
  115.                 Mrs. Jones awakened her son Sunday morning:
  116.              "Johnny, time to get up and go to Sunday School!"
  117.                 "But," replied Johnny, "I don't want to go!
  118.                        And I have two good reasons:
  119.                      (1) I don't like those people and 
  120.                          (2) They don't like me!"
  121.                        "Johnny," demanded Mrs. Jones,
  122.                       "You're going to Sunday School!
  123.                     "And I'll give you two good reasons:
  124.                     "(1) You're forty-five years old and
  125.                           "(2) You're the pastor!"
  126.                                     ***
  127.                                  QUIT THAT
  128.                   Did you know it's a sin to play marbles?
  129.                          Jesus said, "Marble not!"
  130.                                     ***
  131.                               IN THE MINISTRY
  132.                     The rooster  returned to  the minister's
  133.                farm  house  after scratching  in  the newly-
  134.                plowed  field.   The hen  was  all upset  and
  135.                blurted out,
  136.                     "The preacher's  wife is frying  our two
  137.                sons for dinner tonight!"
  138.                     "Well," the  rooster replied,  "I always
  139.                did want  my sons  to go  into the  ministry.
  140.                They  wouldn't  have   made  good  laymembers
  141.                anyway!"
  142.                                     ***
  143.                                  A SUNBEAM
  144.                     Our  son attended a church kindergarten.  
  145.                One day he came home singing a new song  that 
  146.                he had learned that day:
  147.                     "A Zombie, a Zombie,  Jesus wants me for
  148.                a Zombie."
  149.                                     ***
  150.                                 BEAR WITH US
  151.                     "What  did you  learn  in Sunday  school
  152.                today, Johnny?" his mother asked.
  153.                     "We  learned a  song  about a  bear," he
  154.                replied: "Gladly, the Cross-Eyed Bear."
  155.                                     ***
  156.                                TICKLED GREEN
  157.                     The preacher  took his text  from Daniel
  158.                5:25,   "And  this is  the  writing that  was
  159.                written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN."
  160.                     Which  he   translated,  "Money,   money
  161.                tickles you parson."  
  162.                                     ***
  163.                         YOU'VE COME A LONG WAY, BABY
  164.                            The first woman smoker 
  165.                         was mentioned in the Bible: 
  166.                           Rebecca lit off a camel.
  167.                                     ***
  168.                                   BASEBALL
  169.                           The first baseball game 
  170.                         was mentioned in Genesis 1:1:
  171.                              In the big inning.
  172.                                     ***
  173.                                     AUTO
  174.                             The first automobile
  175.                         was mentioned in the Bible:
  176.                     Job went out and sat on a Nash heap.
  177.                                     ***
  178.                                    STATE
  179.                               The first state
  180.                         was mentioned in the Bible:
  181.                        Noah looked out the ARKANSAS.
  182.                                     ***
  183.                              ONCE UPON A TIME
  184.                              What time of day
  185.                            did God create Adam?
  186.                             (Right before Eve)
  187.                              (Michael Landon)
  188.                                     ***
  189.                                    YUCKY
  190.                     When   I   pastored,   people  sometimes
  191.                brought us  terrible food, which  we promptly
  192.                threw away.  When they asked  us about it, we
  193.                replied, 
  194.                     "Food like that doesn't last long around
  195.                our house!"
  196.                                     ***
  197.                                 TANGLED WEB
  198.                       No man has a good enough memory
  199.                         to make a successful liar.
  200.                              (Abraham Lincoln)
  201.                                     ***
  202.                                    IDOLS
  203.                     Man  certainly is  stark mad:  He cannot
  204.                make a worm, and he makes gods by the dozen.
  205.                         (Michel Eyquem de Montaigne)
  206.                                     ***
  207.                                   BASEBALL
  208.                     During  the world  series  in 1989,  the
  209.                Kansas   City  Royals   and  the   St.  Louis
  210.                Cardinals were to face each other.  There was
  211.                quite a stir in the Kansas City area.  
  212.                     Our  church was  located  in Oak  Grove,
  213.                about fifteen miles  east of the  Kansas City
  214.                Sports  Complex, on  highway I-70.  It was in 
  215.                full view of motorists enroute to Kansas City 
  216.                from St. Louis.  Someone placed this  message 
  217.                on the church sign: 
  218.                          Give up your Cardinal sins
  219.                          and join the Royal family!
  220.                                     ***
  221.                                   MISQUOTE
  222.                      And Judas went and hanged himself.
  223.                           Go and do thou likewise.
  224.                      Whatsoever thou doest, do quickly.
  225.                                     ***
  226.                                  COUNSELING
  227.                     Mr. Casper  Milquetoast and  his unkempt
  228.                wife, Naggie, were in the pastor's office for
  229.                marital counseling.   After  listening for  a
  230.                few minutes, the pastor got up from his desk,
  231.                walked around to where  Naggie was seated and
  232.                planted a big kiss on her astonished face.
  233.                     "See  that she  gets  two  of these  per
  234.                week, Casper," the pastor prescribed.
  235.                                   (Pause)
  236.                     "Could  I  bring  her in at 2:00 p.m. on 
  237.               Tuesdays and Thursdays?"  timid Casper asked. 
  238.                                     ***
  239.                                 SHORT MEMORY
  240.                     The young  minister was  listening to  a
  241.                seasoned   minister's   sermon,    when   the
  242.                congregation was beginning  to lose interest.
  243.                The older minister  quickly gained everyone's
  244.                attention when he blurted out,
  245.                     "The best years of my life were spent in
  246.                the  arms of  another man's  wife [pause]--my
  247.                mother!"
  248.                     The young minister made a mental note of
  249.                the attention-getting device.  Later, when he
  250.                was  preaching,   the  congregation   started
  251.                evidencing boredom.  He then loudly declared,
  252.                     "The best years of my life were spent in
  253.                the arms of another man's wife...."
  254.                     At this time, old ladies' mouths dropped
  255.                open, old  men woke  up, and  everyone stared
  256.                wide-eyed in  amazement.   He had  everyone's
  257.                attention,  but the  shock made  his mind  go
  258.                blank.  He stuttered,
  259.                     "And  for  the  life  of   me,  I  can't
  260.                remember who she was."
  261.                                     ***
  262.                                SUNDAY DINNER
  263.                     The Jones family invited Pastor John for
  264.                Sunday dinner.  After  service, they all went
  265.                to the Jones' farm.  Ma went into the kitchen
  266.                to get dinner going and Pa went outside to do
  267.                a few chores.  
  268.                     This  left   nine-year-old   Johnny   to
  269.                entertain the  preacher in  the living  room.
  270.                Both  sat  in  silence, Johnny  sitting
  271.                with his head shyly bowed.  Pastor John broke
  272.                the silence.
  273.                     "Nice day, isn't it, Johnny?"
  274.                     "Yup,"  Johnny replied,  with his  head
  275.                still bowed.
  276.                     "Well,  uh,  what   are  we  having  for
  277.                dinner, Johnny?" the pastor questioned.
  278.                     "You  wouldn't believe  me if  I wuz  to
  279.                tell you, Pastor," Johnny responded.
  280.                     "Sure I would," Pastor John assured him,
  281.                "What are we having?"
  282.                     "Buzzard."
  283.                     "Buzzard!  Are you sure, Johnny?"
  284.                     "Yup.  I  heard Ma talking on  the phone
  285.                to  Mrs. Smith  this morning,  and she  said,
  286.                `Guess  it's  about  time  we  had  that  old
  287.                buzzard for dinner!'"
  288.                                     ***
  289.                               GOOD FOR NOTHING
  290.                     Two  boys  were  trying  to  outdo  each
  291.                other.  The first said, 
  292.                     "My dad is a doctor.   I can be sick for
  293.                nothing!"
  294.                     "Big  deal!" the  second shot  back, "My
  295.                dad  is  a preacher.    I  can  be  good  for
  296.                nothing!"
  297.                                     ***
  298.                        PARABLE OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN
  299.                     A  young  country   preacher  was  being
  300.                considered as pastor and the church board was
  301.                asking him questions about the Bible.
  302.                     "What is  your favorite  passage in  the
  303.                Bible?" one of the board members asked.
  304.                     "My favorite text is the  Parable of the
  305.                Good Samaritan," the candidate replied.  Then
  306.                he   began  to  wax   eloquent:    "The  good
  307.                Samaritan was riding his donkey down the road
  308.                to  Jerico one  day when  he  rode under  the
  309.                bough  of an  oak  tree.   His long  hair got
  310.                tangled  in the  branches and his  donkey ran
  311.                out from under him and left him hanging there
  312.                for  forty days and nights.  Then along comes
  313.                Delilah  and cuts his  hair and  he falls--he
  314.                falls among  thieves who robbed him  and left
  315.                him  for  dead.   He  picked  hisself  up and
  316.                hitchhiked a  ride with Jehu in  his chariot.
  317.                As they  approached Jerico,  the boys  looked
  318.                down  and  said, `It must  be  Jehu,  for  he
  319.                driveth furiously!'   The boys  hollered down
  320.                to Jehu and said `What should we do with this
  321.                Jezebel woman?'  Jehu said, `Throw her down!'
  322.                The boys  said, `How many  times?' Jehu said,
  323.                `70  times 70!'  And  of  the fragments  they
  324.                picked up  twelve baskets.   Now,  I ax  you,
  325.                `Whose    wife   will    she   be    in   the
  326.                resurrection?'"
  327.                                     ***
  328.                                    PRAYER
  329.                     During prayer meeting, Sister Jones made
  330.                this request,
  331.                     "My  husband is  at death's door.   Pray
  332.                that the Lord will pull him through."
  333.                                     ***
  334.                                FISH AND CHIPS
  335.                     a  monastery  opened  a  fish and  chips
  336.                stand  in  california.    One  of  the  first
  337.                customers asked the monk on duty,
  338.                     "Are you the fish friar?"
  339.                     "No, I'm the chip monk," he responded.
  340.                                     ***
  341.                             TWO-THIRDS OF A PUN 
  342.                                    OR PU
  343.                     Mr. and Mrs. Skunk went to church where
  344.                they sprayed and sat in their own pew.
  345.                     Their two offspring, appropriately named
  346.                IN  and OUT, were always on the move, running
  347.                in and out the church and playing.
  348.                     After church, IN could not be  found and
  349.                OUT  went out to  look for  him.   Later, OUT
  350.                brought IN in.  Papa Skunk asked, 
  351.                     "OUT, how did you find IN?"
  352.                      OUT answered, "IN-stinct!"
  353.                                     ***
  354.                                 SERMON TITLE
  355.                         What on Earth Are You Doing
  356.                              For Heaven's Sake?
  357.                                     ***
  358.                                 REPLACEMENT
  359.                            The late Cyril Homer, 
  360.                           a fellow Army Chaplain,
  361.                            was filling the pulpit
  362.                     for a minister who was out of town.
  363.                                  He stated,
  364.                      "No one can really take the place
  365.                               of your pastor.
  366.                           In fact, I feel like a 
  367.                              piece of cardboard
  368.                         used to temporarily replace
  369.                            a broken window pane."
  370.                              After the service,
  371.                  a little old lady approached him and said,
  372.                               "Brother Homer, 
  373.                       you're not a piece of cardboard.
  374.                             You're a real pane!"
  375.                                     ***
  376.                                SAY SOMETHING!
  377.                The minister entered the pulpit and remarked,
  378.                         "Before I bring the message,
  379.                      I want to say something important."
  380.                                     ***
  381.                                     SOAP
  382.                Two aggies were standing on the street corner
  383.                           when a priest walked by
  384.                     with his arm in a cast.  Jed asked,
  385.                            "Good morning Father. 
  386.                         What happened to your arm?"
  387.                  "I slipped on a bar of soap," he replied,
  388.                                and broke it."
  389.                     The priest walked past, and Clem asked,
  390.                             "Jed, what is soap?"
  391.                          "Clem, how should I know?
  392.                             I ain't a Catholic!"
  393.                                     ***
  394.                              THE DEVIL YOU SAY!
  395.                   The Sunday school teacher asked Johnny,
  396.                         "Johnny, is the Devil real?"
  397.                               Johnny replied,
  398.                      "Naw, he's just like Santa Clause.
  399.                               He's my daddy!"
  400.                                     ***
  401.                                    PRAYER
  402.                         Mr. Jones went bear hunting.
  403.                         He finally saw a large bear 
  404.                          and had him in his sights.
  405.                         Click!  Click, click, click!
  406.                          Forgot to load the rifle!
  407.                         Mr. Jones knelt and prayed,
  408.                     "Lord, may he be a Christian bear!"
  409.                    The bear heard the sound and charged,
  410.                   then stopped and also knelt and prayed,
  411.                       "Lord, thank you for this food
  412.                           I am about to receive."
  413.                                     ***
  414.                                  COMPROMISE
  415.                      Reverend Jones went bear hunting.
  416.                   He was cold and wanted a bear skin coat.
  417.                         Soon, he met a hungry bear.
  418.                                The bear said,
  419.                      "Come into my cave and let's talk.
  420.                      Maybe we can reach a compromise."
  421.                   Both went in and only the bear came out.
  422.                            The bear got his meal
  423.                     and Reverend Jones got his fur coat.
  424.                                     ***
  425.                                 PASTORS' PAY
  426.                        Church work doesn't pay much,
  427.                             but the retirement 
  428.                            is out of this world.
  429.                                     ***
  430.                                  GOOD PRESS
  431.                     Oral and Evelyn Roberts were taking 
  432.                        an evening walk by Lake Evelyn
  433.                          when the wind blew her hat
  434.                                into the lake.
  435.                           Oral walked on the lake
  436.                           picked up his wife's hat
  437.                         and brought it back to her.
  438.                   A member of the media saw what happened.
  439.                      The next day's headlined screamed,
  440.                           ORAL ROBERTS CAN'T SWIM!
  441.                                     ***
  442.                                NERVOUS USHER
  443.                 Back in the days when people paid pew rent,
  444.                   A tattered old lady did the unspeakable.
  445.                           She went right up front
  446.                    And sat in the pew of a "church boss."
  447.                  The minister motioned for the head usher,
  448.                 Nodded his head and pointed to the old lady.
  449.                 The red-faced usher approached her and said,
  450.                             "Marden me, padame,
  451.                     But you're occupewing the wrong pie.
  452.             If you will come with me to the chack of the birch,
  453.                       I'll sew you to another sheet!"
  454.                                     ***
  455.                               THE CHANDELIER
  456.                  The church was having a business meeting.
  457.                     One of the main items on the agenda
  458.                      was deciding whether or not to buy
  459.                     a fancy chandelier for the entrance.
  460.                      The congregation was about to vote
  461.                       when Sam, the resident "aginer"
  462.                           woke up, rose and said,
  463.                        "I'm agin it fer four reasons:
  464.                            One, we don't need it.
  465.                           Two, we can't afford it.
  466.                         Three, if we was to git it,
  467.                     they ain't nobody here can play it.
  468.             An' four, what we really needs here is more light."
  469.                                     ***
  470.                          COMMENTARY ON COMMENTARIES
  471.                      Wise old deacon to young preacher:
  472.                             "You'd be surprised
  473.                                how much light
  474.                               the Bible throws 
  475.                            on them commentaries!"
  476.                                     ***
  477.                            CHURCH WEATHER REPORT
  478.                            Relative humility: 50%
  479.                         Chance of Participation: 10%
  480.                                     ***
  481.                                 BIBLE NAMES
  482.                        "I named my boys Bible names,"
  483.                                  said Clem,
  484.                       "Matthew, Mark, Luke, Ralph..."
  485.                          "Ralph!" interrupted Zeke,
  486.                         "Ralph ain't no Bible name!"
  487.                 "Ain't you ever heerd o' the Ralph o' God?"
  488.                               countered Clem.
  489.                     "I also named my girls Bible names,"
  490.                               continued Clem,
  491.                     "Mary, Ruth, Elizabeth, Shirley..."
  492.                             "Now wait a minute,"
  493.                              interrupted Zeke,
  494.                    "I knows Shirley ain't no Bible name!"
  495.                      "Ain't you never read yore Bible?"
  496.                         "Shirley, Goodness and Mercy
  497.                   shall follow me all the days of m' life!"
  498.                                     ***
  499.                                 EXAGGERATION
  500.                   "Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned,"
  501.                       began Fred at the confessional.
  502.                   "Fred, have you been exaggerating again?"
  503.                          quizzed Father Flannagan.
  504.                    "Well, I did stretch the truth again,
  505.                    and I tried, I really tried this time.
  506.                     In fact, I've cried buckets of tears
  507.                              over my problem."
  508.                                     ***
  509.                                 BEAR WITH US
  510.                  "Mommy, there's a bear in the front yard!"
  511.                       Johnny exclaimed to his mother.
  512.                    "Johnny, that's just a little puppy!"
  513.                replied his mother while looking out the window.
  514.                "Now, go into the closet and talk to the Lord
  515.                        about your wild imagination!"
  516.                            A few minutes later, 
  517.              Johnny's mother opened the closet door and asked,
  518.               "Well, what did the Lord say about your `bear'?"
  519.                     "The Lord said, `That's ok, Johnny.
  520.                          The first time I seen him,
  521.                       I thought he was a bear, too.'"
  522.                               quipped Johnny.
  523.                                     ***
  524.                               TAKE IT WITH YOU
  525.                   Jack O'Toole was dying and he called in 
  526.                          his three closest friends:
  527.                                 Sam, a Jew.
  528.                             John, a Protestant.
  529.                            and Terry, a Catholic.
  530.                           "I may need some money,
  531.                          so I am giving each of you
  532.                          fifty thousand dollars in 
  533.                             twenty dollar bills.
  534.                      Just before they close the casket 
  535.                                at my funeral,
  536.                         I want each of you to place 
  537.                           your money in my casket.
  538.                            Then, meet after the 
  539.                            graveside service and
  540.                            report what you did."
  541.                          After the graveside service,
  542.                      the three friends met and reported:
  543.                    Terry: "I placed my money in the casket.
  544.                             John: "I did also."
  545.                       Sam: "I got there a little late,
  546.                       and the casket was too crowded
  547.                         for me to put in my money.
  548.                       So, I took out all the money 
  549.                         and left a personal check
  550.                      for one hundred fifty thousand!"
  551.                                    ***
  552.                                BAPTIST BRED
  553.                                 BAPTIST FED
  554.                                BAPTIST DEAD
  555.                             The Baptist pastor 
  556.                       approached one of his deacons:
  557.                               "Brother Jones, 
  558.                       I heard you became a Catholic.
  559.                       It just doesn't seem like you.
  560.                           You have been a Baptist
  561.                               all your life!"
  562.                                  "Pastor," 
  563.                           deacon Jones responded,
  564.                               "I just learned 
  565.                         that I have a month to live
  566.                       and I thought it would be better
  567.                        for them to lose one of theirs
  568.                      than for us to lose one of ours!"
  569.                                     ***
  570.                             CAN YOU CHEW TOBACCO 
  571.                              AND GO TO HEAVEN?
  572.                                     Yes,
  573.                               But you'll have
  574.                                to go to hell
  575.                                   to spit!
  576.                            (C. Telford Patterson)
  577.                                     ***
  578.                             GRANDMA WAS REALLY 
  579.                           GETTING INTO THE SERMON
  580.                              WITH LOUD AMENS!
  581.                             Until the preacher
  582.                             started preaching 
  583.                           against dipping snuff.
  584.                       Grandma quickly deflated with
  585.                              "There he goes!
  586.                               Quit preachin'
  587.                            and gone to meddlin'!
  588.                                     ***
  589.                               DIVERS DISEASES
  590.                      Sick people that were taken with
  591.                               divers diseases
  592.                           were brought to Jesus.
  593.                             The preacher said, 
  594.                    "Now, the doctors can scrutinize you,
  595.                                 analyze you
  596.                         and sometimes cure your ills. 
  597.                              but when you have 
  598.                               DIVERS DISEASES 
  599.                        Them only the Lord can cure.
  600.                                And brethren
  601.                        there is a regular epidemic 
  602.                        of divers diseases among us! 
  603.                            Some dive for the door 
  604.                         after Sunday school is over. 
  605.                       Some dive for the television set
  606.                          instead of going to church.
  607.                       Some dive into a bog of excuses 
  608.                            when work for the Lord 
  609.                                is mentioned.
  610.                           Others dive for the car
  611.                        and take the boat to the lake
  612.                   and forsake their teaching assignments.
  613.                        Then a few dive into a flurry 
  614.                              of fault finding
  615.                  every time the church takes on a project. 
  616.                        When you've got divers diseases
  617.                            youse in a bad way.
  618.                               Yes brethren, 
  619.                             it takes the Lord 
  620.                             and lots of love  
  621.                           to cure DIVERS DISEASES."
  622.                                     ***
  624.                                     END